Monday, December 15, 2008

Photoshoots all weekend

Let's see where do I start. Well on friday my old friend and pretty much the guy who provoked me to get my camera is on break from college and hit me up to go shooting. So I called up my usual subject and we went to old town Pasadena. It was so rad people playing Christmas music on the streets and we initially went there to shoot near the wishing trees but they were removed for the holiday tree. We were kinda bummed so we walked around the corner and found an awesome alley! It was so cinematic. They only part that sucked about this shoot was having to lug around heavy equipment.
alone with your thoughts....


my buddies in The Malheruex hit me up to do a photoshoot before their show (which ended up being acoustic). They got these shirts from Rockett and were hoping to get endorsed by them. So we drove to a local location and did a quick shoot it was fun and I pretty much hung out with them most of the day and went to their acoustic practice.
a test shot with TM
The Malheruex for Rockett Clothing
The Malheruex

SUNDAY--12 O' Clock in English

Went to glendale and did a shoot in their empty room they were moving out from.
We did a few promos and we did some merch shots quick fun shoot! Got home in time to watch simpsons and american dad yea boi!

TOCIE-Merch Shots

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